
Moldova has created a commission to develop a National Defense Strategy, headed by the Minister of Defense

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Moldovan President Maia Sandu has set up a commission to develop a National Defense Strategy within five months. The commission will be headed by the Minister of Defense and will include representatives of state bodies, international experts and non-governmental organizations.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu has signed a decree establishing a commission that will develop a National Defense Strategy for Moldova. The national strategy should be developed within 5 months. This is stated in the decree of the President of Moldova, reports UNN.


According to the decree, the commission must submit a draft National Strategy to the government within 5 months. The commission is also required to analyze the national defense system, taking into account the national security and defense goals set out in the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Moldova.

In addition, the commission should create a working group involving representatives of government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and international experts.

The commission will be headed by Moldovan Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi. The commission also includes the presidential defense adviser, state secretaries, the deputy director of the Information Security Service, the deputy head of the State Protection Service, and MPs.


In mid-December, the Moldovan parliament approved a draft resolution on the approval of the National Security Strategy. This is the first time such a document has been adopted since 2011. It aims to increase the state's capacity to prevent and counteract national security risks, as well as to ensure the process of European integration and cooperation with partner states.

Єрмак в Давосі обговорив із радником президента США з нацбезпеки Салліваном оборонні потреби України16.01.24, 13:36

Pavlo Bashynskyi

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