
Migrant boat capsizes in French Channel, number of victims unknown - Reuters

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A small boat carrying migrants capsized in the English Channel on February 28. Authorities are investigating the incident, but have not yet reported the number of victims.

A "small boat" with migrants capsized in the French Channel on Wednesday, February 28. There is no information on the number of victims yet. Reuters writes about it,  UNN reports.

We can confirm that there was an incident involving a small boat in the English Channel in French waters.

- a representative of the British government said in a comment to the publication.


The British spokesman also added that the incident is being investigated by the French side.

According to officials, a boat with migrants on board crashed in the English Channel between France and the United Kingdom.

The information about the disaster was confirmed by a representative of the local French coast guard. However, he refused to give any figures on the potential number of victims.


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