
Medicines for Israeli hostages and Palestinians arrive in Gaza as part of a deal with Qatar

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As part of a deal brokered by Qatar, medical supplies for Israeli hostages and Palestinians were delivered to Gaza. The exchange includes medicine for Israeli hostages in exchange for medicine and aid for Palestinian civilians.

Medicines for Israeli hostages and Palestinians have arrived in Gaza. This was reported by the Qatari Foreign Ministry, UNN reports with reference to CNN.


Qatar has mediated a deal between Israel and Hamas to supply vital medicines to the Gaza Strip. The agreement was signed on Tuesday and provides for the delivery of medicines to Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza in exchange for medicines and humanitarian aid to the Palestinian civilian population.

Over the past few hours, medical supplies and aid have entered the Gaza Strip in fulfillment of an agreement announced to benefit civilians in the Strip, including hostages

- Qatar's Foreign Ministry spokesman Dr. Majed Al-Ansari wrote on the social network X.

The medicines left Doha on Wednesday and headed to Egypt, before being delivered to Gaza, the ministry said.

Ізраїль та ХАМАС домовилися про постачання медикаментів та гуманітарної допомоги до Гази17.01.24, 01:47

Osama Hamdan, Hamas's representative in Lebanon, said the deal was contingent on there being enough medicine for Palestinians in Gaza in addition to the Israeli hostages. Hamas has stipulated that for every box of medicine given to the hostages, Palestinians in Gaza should receive 1,000 boxes.

The agreement followed calls from relatives of more than 100 hostages believed to be still alive in Gaza for the medicines to reach their loved ones.

Міністр оборони Ізраїлю окреслив нову стратегію війни в секторі Газа04.01.24, 21:47

Anastasia Ryabokon

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