
May 23: World Turtle Day, International Chardonnay Day

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On World Turtle Day, activists raise awareness of the threat of extinction of 60% of turtle species due to habitat pollution, climate change, and poor captive conditions.

Today, on May 23, animal rights activists and wildlife lovers in many countries around the world are joining the World Turtle Day, UNN reports.

Turtles are the oldest reptiles on our planet. It is believed that the first turtle known to science appeared 220 million years ago. The size of prehistoric turtles was huge - the diameter of the shell reached almost four meters.

Today, the largest representative of this species is the leatherback turtle. Its shell is more than two meters in diameter and weighs 500-600 kilograms. The front flippers of the leatherback turtle reach five meters in length.

Currently, about 60% of turtles are endangered.

The purpose of World Turtle Day is to draw humanity's attention to the acute problem of mass deaths of these animals due to habitat pollution, climate change, poaching, poor care of animals in captivity, etc.

Today, wine lovers can celebrate the International Chardonnay Day, an event dedicated to the popular and versatile white wine grape variety Chardonnay, and one of the best white wines in history, with a glass of this drink.

Typically, Chardonnay is a dry, medium to full-bodied wine with moderate acidity and alcohol. Its flavors range from apple and lemon to papaya and pineapple, and it also develops notes of vanilla when aged in oak.

It is believed that Chardonnay was first planted in the 12th century in the Chablis region of France.

Today, Chardonnay produced in the Chablis region is one of the purest expressions of the grape's varietal character, thanks to the simplified winemaking style adopted in the region.

Today, sports fans can join the celebration of World Wrestling Day.

It was on May 23 that the first World Wrestling Championships started in Vienna, although various martial arts began to appear among different peoples of the world as early as the third millennium BC.

Today, wrestling is divided into Greco-Roman, freestyle, Japanese judo, and sambo.

Also, on May 23, many countries are holding events on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Obstetric Fistula.

Obstetric fistula (fistula, fistula) is a serious, deadly birth injury that consists of the formation of holes in the birth canal. In almost all cases, it requires surgical treatment.

More than 2 million women in Africa and Asia have fistula and are not treated. About 8% of deaths during childbirth are caused by obstetric fistula.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Michael the Confessor, Bishop of Sinai.

From a young age, Mykhailo decided to devote his life to serving the Lord, became a monk, and settled in a remote monastery on the Black Sea coast.

For his devotion, he received the gift of miracles from the Lord. According to legend, one day during a terrible heat wave, Mikhail prayed and water flowed from an empty jug, with which he gave water to dozens of people who were thirsty.

Because he was honored by the people, Michael was ordained a bishop. When the heretic Leo became the emperor of Byzantium, Michael was sentenced to exile, during which he died.

On May 23, Mikhail, Andrey, Gennady, Ignat, Roman, and Valeria celebrate their name days.


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May 23: World Turtle Day, International Chardonnay Day

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