
Launched fireworks during curfew: man served a notice of suspicion in Kyiv

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In Kyiv's Darnytsia district, a 25-year-old man was charged with violating public order for setting off fireworks during a curfew and power outage, frightening residents.

A resident of the capital's Darnytsia district, who launched fireworks during the war, was served a notice of suspicion, UNN reports citing the Kyiv Prosecutor's Office.

... A 25-year-old man who launched fireworks at night was served a notice of suspicion of committing a gross violation of public order (Part 1 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) 

- the statement said.


As it was established, on May 23 at half past 4 am, the suspect was walking in the Darnytskyi district despite the curfew and decided to set off fireworks. At that time, part of the district was in darkness due to a power outage, so bright flashes and loud explosions scared residents of high-rise buildings.

The suspect explained his actions by saying that he was curious to see the sound and light effects of the fireworks he had found in a dumpster the day before.

For hooliganism, he faces a fine or probationary supervision for up to five years, or imprisonment for the same term.

Запустив феєрверк у Києві: суд засудив чоловіка до одного року обмеження волі08.04.24, 10:19


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