
Large-scale floods, as in Europe, do not threaten Ukraine, but preparations for them continue - Ministry of Environment

 • 10700 переглядiв

The Minister of Environmental Protection said that Ukraine is not threatened by floods as severe as in Europe. However, in Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia, they are intensifying preparations for possible natural disasters and taking flood control measures.

Ukraine is not threatened by floods of the magnitude currently observed in European countries. However, Ukraine, especially in the Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia regions, is intensifying preparations for possible natural disasters. This was stated by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Svitlana Hrynchuk during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

So far, we do not expect a situation like in Europe. We have a different climate situation, but in any case, we are implementing a number of flood control measures, especially in the Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia regions

- Hrynchuk says.

According to her, there are also seasonal downpours in Ukraine, but the situation like in Europe is not expected in Ukraine.

We are intensively preparing and monitoring, because the elements can behave differently

- Hrynchuk said. 


Bad weather continues to cause difficulties for transportation in the Czech Republic, Austria and Poland. Due to widespread flooding and the complicated situation at the borders, some international flights have been canceled and others are temporarily re-routed. 

Зсуви ґрунту та забиті зливи: частина окупованого Севастополя підтоплена через зливу16.09.24, 13:54

Iryna Kolesnik



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