
Kyiv police seize 85 illegal weapons and 10,000 rounds of ammunition in February

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In February, Kyiv police seized 85 illegal weapons, including assault rifles, pistols, carbines, machine guns, grenades, and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition during operations to combat illegal arms trafficking.

In February, police in the capital  confiscated 85 illegal weapons, including seven assault rifles, pistols, carbines, and machine guns, as well as grenades and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition. 

This was reported by the Kyiv Police, according to UNN.


In February, Kyiv police conducted operations to seize illegal weapons and ammunition.

A total of 85 weapons were confiscated, including seven assault rifles, pistols, carbines and machine guns, as well as grenades and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

In February, we registered 64 criminal offenses related to illegal trafficking in weapons, ammunition and explosives under Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and 32 offenders have already been served suspicion notices. Every day we continue to work on preventing the consequences of illegal arms trafficking so that deadly trophies do not harm citizens and do not reach the illegal arms market

 - Chief of the Kyiv Police Dmytro Shumeiko.  


The police warn that illegal possession of weapons and ammunition has criminal consequences, unless citizens voluntarily hand them over. 

За 2023 рік Нацполіція України вилучила понад 5 тисяч одиниць вогнепальної зброї та 1,8 мільйона боєприпасів15.01.24, 12:33

Julia Kotvitskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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