
Italy's government reconsiders the concept of nuclear power abandonment

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The Italian government is considering a return to nuclear power. The Minister of Environment announced new rules by the end of the year that will allow the use of nuclear technology to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Given the country's urgent need to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, the Italian government is revising a bill that allows the use of new technologies until 2025.

Written by UNN with reference to Euronews.

Italy is considering a return to nuclear power. The Minister of Environment announced new rules by the end of the year. It is about the creation of a new platform by the Ministry of Energy that will take into account nuclear power plants “that still exist both in Italy and in Europe”.


After the 1987 referendum banning nuclear power, Italy began to phase out nuclear power. But given the urgent need to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, the current government is reconsidering its course in this regard. The Italian Minister of the Environment recently announced that by the end of the year he will introduce new rules that will allow the use of nuclear technology in the country.

According to the government's National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate (NIPEC), the use of new types of power plants could cover up to 11% of national energy demand by 2050.

- Euronews reports .

The key question is whether nuclear power and renewable energy can work hand in hand. According to a study published at an international forum, both technologies can be combined, which may even benefit the economy.

Nuclear power and renewables are not opposites, but rather complementary. Integration of both technologies can accelerate the use of clean technologies and contribute to decarbonization, says Lorenzo Tavazzi, Senior Partner at TEHA Group.


UNN reported that the IAEA will expand its missions in Ukraine to include infrastructure facilities.

Ihor Telezhnikov

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