
"It looks like a Russian provocation" - Head of the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Political Analysis on the collapse of a high-rise building in Belgorod

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Andriy Kovalenko, head of the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Political Analysis, suggests that the collapse of a multi-story building in Belgorod, Russia, looks like a Russian provocation to justify further attacks on Ukraine. Alternatively, it was a domestic explosion that was used by the Kremlin.

The situation with the collapse of a multi-storey building in Belgorod, Russia, allegedly due to an attack by Ukraine, looks like a provocation by Russia to justify further attacks on residential buildings in Ukrainian cities,  said Andriy Kovalenko, head of the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Political Analysis, UNN reports .

According to Kovalenko, the house in Belgorod was probably blown up. The video from the cameras does not show any falling objects, so all the accusations of Russians of shelling by the Defense Forces are not true. 

It looks like a provocation by Russia, or an information provocation to inflate the situation to justify further attacks on residential buildings in Ukrainian cities

- Kovalenko wrote on Telegram. 

Also, according to him, it could have been a domestic explosion, which Russian propaganda is now "twisting" into a shelling of the house for its own interests.

Russian media are reporting 32 victims of the collapse of a multi-storey building in Belgorod.  16 people have been rescued from the rubble.  According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, three rescuers were injured with varying degrees of severity during the second collapse.


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