
Invaders shelled 14 communities in Sumy region: 55 attacks, 2 wounded

 • 17530 переглядiв

Occupants fired 55 times in Sumy region, 2 civilians were wounded. This was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.


According to the information, 14 communities, including Sumy, Khotyn, Yunakiv, Miropil, Bilopil, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv, Putivl, Novoslobid, Hlukhiv, Esman, Shalygyn, Druzhbivka, Svesa, Seredina-Buda communities, were subjected to hostile attacks.

Esman community: the enemy attacked with mortars (29 explosions), FPV drones (2 explosions), and also attacked the CAB (4 explosions).

Youth community: terrorists launched an IED (2 explosions).

Sumy community: the aggressor launched an explosive device (1 explosion).

Velykopysarivska community: the enemy dropped explosive devices of the VOG type from a UAV (4 explosions), fired from FPV drones (5 explosions), mortar shelling (4 explosions)

Krasnopilska community: the invaders attacked using FPV drones (6 explosions), fired from mortars (17 explosions), MLRS (12 explosions), and artillery (10 explosions).

Bilopilska community: Russians attacked with artillery (4 explosions).

Novoslobidska community: hostile forces launched an unexploded ordnance (3 explosions) and mortar attacks (18 explosions).

Shalyhynska community: the enemy fired with FPV drones (4 explosions), dropped a VOG-type explosive device from  UAV (2 explosions), and fired with mortars (2 explosions).

Seredina-Buda community: 17 mines were dropped by the aggressor on the territory of the community. There was also shelling with the use of 3 FPV drones (3 explosions).

Khotyn community: the occupants carried out artillery shelling (4 explosions).

Druzhbivka community: shelling with the use of FPV drones (2 explosions), as a result of which 2 civilians were injured.

Sveska community: the enemy launched an unexploded ordnance (3 explosions).

Hlukhiv community: there was a shelling with the use of FPV drones (2 explosions).

Myropilska community: 7 mines were dropped by Russians on the territory of the community.

Putivl community: the enemy launched an attack using an FPV drone (1 explosion).

Сумщина: росіяни скинули три КАБи на Глухів, поранено батька і сина17.09.24, 13:45


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