
Invaders in the occupied territories have started a new wave of confiscation of civilian cars - resistance

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Russian occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories confiscate civilian cars.

Russian occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories have started a new wave of confiscation of civilian cars, the National Resistance Center reported on Thursday. 


"In the temporarily occupied Luhansk region, the reason for confiscation may be the smallest violation of traffic rules. Sometimes even this is not necessary to get rid of the car," the Resistance said.

It is noted that it became known about a case when "simultaneously collaborators took away about 100 boats from the local population in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region.

"The enemy army is experiencing huge logistical inconveniences due to the lack of vehicles," the Resistance noted.

В Криму окупанти готуються вивозити з півострова всі музейні фонди - Центр нацспротиву14.06.24, 17:00


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