
In the temporarily occupied territories, children are given extra points for mentioning putin during the final assessment - Resistance

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During the assessment of knowledge in the temporarily occupied territories, schoolchildren were given extra points for mentioning putin. This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, according to UNN.


During the final assessment of knowledge in schools in the temporarily occupied territories, children were given higher scores if their papers mentioned putin's name.

When writing essays as part of the final exams in schools in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk region, children noticed a certain trend. If a paper mentions putin's name, the grade will definitely be higher if the Kremlin terrorist is not mentioned

- the statement said.

Graduates wrote about these criteria for evaluating artworks on social media, advising others on how to earn a higher score.

However, the children sincerely mock such ways of their "teachers" to please the Kremlin regime

- Sprotyvist adds.


More than 2500 teenagers aged 13 to 17 from the occupied Ukrainian territories will undergo military training in the Volgograd region of russia, which is a violation of international norms and standards for the protection of minors from participation in hostilities.

На окупованій Херсонщині росіяни планують запустити класи для підготовки "поліцаїв" - Центр нацспротиву14.06.24, 21:41

Anastasia Ryabokon



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