
In September, the IMF mission will start a new review of the program for Ukraine

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The IMF mission for the 5th review of the EFF program starts in September. If the review is successful, Ukraine may receive a tranche of about USD 1.1 billion. Amendments to the 2024 budget and plans for 2025 are discussed.

The IMF mission for the fifth review of the EFF program will begin in September. If the review is successful, Ukraine will receive the next tranche from the Fund in the amount of about $1.1 billion. This was stated by the head of the Budget Committee Roksolana Pidlasa, according to UNN.


During the last visit of the IMF mission to Ukraine, the head of the Budget Committee, Roksolana Pidlasa, met with the IMF representatives.

Last week, IMF representatives worked in Kyiv. I was pleased to meet with Gavin Gray, Head of the IMF Mission to Ukraine, and Priscilla Tofano, the new IMF Resident Representative in Ukraine

- Pidlasa said.

According to her, the parties discussed changes to the 2024 budget, plans for 2025, and preparations for the fifth review of the IMF program.

Марченко розповів, де візьмуть 500 млрд грн для видатків на оборону: 140 млрд перекриє збільшення податків22.07.24, 16:42

The IMF mission for the fifth review of the EFF program will begin in September. If the review is successful, Ukraine will receive the next tranche from the Fund in the amount of about USD 1.1 billion.

- adds the MP.


The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a draft law to increase spending in the 2024 state budget by UAH 500 billion, mainly on defense, as well as changes to increase taxes, which is expected to bring in UAH 140 billion.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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