
In Rivne, a whole family was affected: five people, including four children, were hospitalized

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A woman and her four children in Rivne were hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning after being gassed in their own home.

A whole family was poisoned by carbon monoxide in a residential building in Rivne. A woman and four children were hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning. The press service of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine told about this case and how to protect yourself from a similar story, UNN reports.

A family suffered from carbon monoxide in Rivne A woman and four children were hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning The incident occurred in a residential building in Rivne.

- the SES said in a statement.


The rescuers reminded that carbon monoxide is often called a "silent killer". After all, it is completely imperceptible to humans, but even in small concentrations it can lead to poisoning and death.

To identify this gas and establish that a leak has occurred, special devices such as a carbon monoxide detector are needed. Detecting a leak in time can save lives.

The SES also briefly reminded about appliances that can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.


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