
In response to the presidential election: China's Defense Ministry says Taiwan will never be a sovereign state

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China's Ministry of Defense maintains that Taiwan is part of China and will never be a sovereign state, even after the recent presidential election on the island.

Despite the presidential elections held in Taiwan, the Chinese Ministry of Defense has stated that is part of the PRC, so it will never be a sovereign state. This was stated at a press conference by the spokesman of the department, Colonel Wu Qian, reports UNN.


Taiwan will never be a sovereign state. "Taiwan independence" and attempts by foreign forces to split China will never succeed

- said Colonel Wu Qian.

He emphasized that the elections in Taiwan are an internal affair of the Chinese region, and regardless of how the situation there changes, the fact that there is only one China in the world, of which the Taiwan region is a part, will remain unchanged.

США підготували резолюцію на підтримку демократії Тайваню – Reuters10.01.24, 22:27

The overwhelming consensus of the international community on the principle of one China will not change, nor will the historical trend toward the reunification of China

 - added the spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense.


The ministry also recalled that China, the United States, and the United Kingdom signed the Cairo Declaration, according to which all Chinese territories occupied by Japan, including Taiwan, must be returned to China.

The provisions of this declaration were reaffirmed in Article 8 of the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, jointly proclaimed by China, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union, and in 1971 by Resolution 2758U of the 26th UN General Assembly.

These international documents are legally binding and provide the historical and legal basis for the fact that Taiwan is an integral part of China's territory

- emphasized the Chinese colonel.

According to him, the Chinese army is ready to "become an iron wall in defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity" of the country.


In January of this year, a representative of the Democratic Progressive Party became the new president of Taiwan for the third time in a row. 

However, the country's newly elected leader Lai Tsingde is not only celebrating political success, but also faces a significant challenge: the situation in parliament has changed in favor of the opposition, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry has once again issued a statement that the Taiwan issue is "China's internal affair"

Volodymyr Omelchenko

News of the World


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