
In May, some categories of pensioners will have their payments increased: who will be affected

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In May, pension payments will be increased for pensioners who turn 70, 75 and 80 this month.

According to a Cabinet of Ministers resolution, pension payments will increase in May for pensioners who turn 70, 75 and 80 this month, UNN reports .

In May, the recalculation of pensions will affect only these citizens and only if the pension of person is not higher than UAH 10,340.35.

The age allowance is paid in the following amounts:

  • for persons who have reached the age of 70 until the age of 75 - in the amount of up to UAH 300;
  • for persons who have reached the age of 75, until the age of 80 - in the amount of up to UAH 456;
  • for persons aged 80 and over - in the amount of up to UAH 570.


In April 2024, pension increases affected citizens over 65 with full seniority, and automatic recalculation of pensions for working pensioners was carried out .

Українські громадяни за кордоном, при досягненні пенсійного віку, зможуть оформити пенсію дистанційно: інструкція12.01.24, 11:50

Lilia Podolyak



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