
In Donetsk region, Atesh partisans found a military unit of the invaders, Derf can store shells

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In the Donetsk region, Ukrainian partisans discovered another military base of the Russian occupation forces. Probably, it is intended for storing artillery shells. This is reported by the underground movement "Atesh", reports UNN.


Agent "Atesh" conducted reconnaissance and found a military base of the Russian Federation on an abandoned farm, near the village of Zakharovka. 

During the observation, several key objects were recorded, which are heavily guarded. Most likely, these are places where artillery shells are stored

- told in"Atesh". 

The partisans also indicated clear coordinates of the military base of the invaders - 47.1308800, 36.9868214. separately, Atesh notes that all the details have already been transferred to the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

В окупованому Криму росіяни перекинули військову техніку до аеродрому "Гвардійське" - АТЕШ25.06.24, 16:54


"Atesh" tracks the base of Russian troops in Luhansk. As a result of further reconnaissance, the partisans found out where the 7th separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of military unit 08807 is based. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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