
In Donetsk region, a brigade of power engineers came under fire, there is a wounded man

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A 33-year-old craftsman was injured when a team of power engineers came under fire while working on a power line in the Donetsk region.

A team of power engineers came under fire in the Donetsk region, a 33-year-old master was injured, reports UNN with reference to the Ministry of energy.

In the Donetsk region, while performing work on one of the power transmission lines, a team of power engineers came under fire. One of them-a 33 – year-old master-was injured. He was taken to the hospital in Konstantinovka, doctors provide the necessary assistance 

- reported in the Department.

Recall that on June 20, the enemy once again launched a massive strike on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure. During the shelling at two facilities, 7 Power engineers were injured.


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