
IAEA detects missile launch near Zaporizhzhya NPP

 • 44790 переглядiв

IAEA experts at Zaporizhzhya NPP heard rockets being launched nearby, posing a threat to nuclear safety. In addition, the short circuit disrupted the plant's external communication via power lines.

IAEA representatives at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant reported hearing the sound of missiles being launched near the plant. nuclear power plant, reported that they heard the sound of rockets being launched near the plant. This is stated in a statement by the Director General of the organization Rafael Mariano Grossi, reports UNN

IAEA experts present at the ZNPP heard several missiles apparently fired near the plant. The IAEA team could not see the projectiles because of the clouds, but a distinctive sound indicated that they were fired from a located that they were fired from a nearby multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). Multiple Launch Rocket Launcher System (MLRS) nearby.

"Today's events further illustrate the extremely fragile nuclear safety situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. ZAPORIZHZHYA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. Europe's largest nuclear power plant, located on the front line, continues to face many challenges. front line, continues to face many potential threats as a result of the this tragic war," stated Director General Grossi.

In addition, the IAEA chief's statement states, that the ZNPP reported that a short circuit that occurred about 100 kilometers north of the plant, caused an interruption in communication with the only remaining power line. remaining 750 kV power line (out of four, of the four pre-existing lines.) This occurred on the morning of November 26.

The station continues to receive external power from the from the only available backup 330 kV transmission line. kV. The plant says the 750 kV line is being repaired, but when it will be reconnected is unclear. but it's unclear when it will be reconnected.

During the conflict, ZNPP has repeatedly lost external power supply, including seven instances of complete loss of power. power supply, including seven instances of complete loss of external power supply. The last time connection to the 750 kV line was lost was on August 10, when the line was disconnected and reconnected twice on the same day.

Lilia Podolyak



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