
How much to eat of fruits and vegetables to be healthy - the Ministry of Health told

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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine recommends eating at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables a day, of which vegetables should be about half. This will reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.

Lack of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet increases the risk of developing obesity, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine toldhow much and how to eat vegetables and fruits to be healthy, UNN reports


According to the Ministry of Health, summer is the season for gardening, so it's important to take advantage of this time to adopt healthier eating habits. In addition, they are better stored than meat and dairy products, so they will definitely come in handy during long power outages.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2017, 3.9 million deaths occurred worldwide due to insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables . According to the Ministry of Health, the lack of these types of foods in the daily diet increases the risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs): obesity, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.

The Ministry of Health emphasized that the composition of fruits and vegetables is also important: they are rich in vitamins and minerals, contain fiber and useful non-nutritive substances such as plant sterols, flavonoids and other antioxidants. Thus, many of the nutrients our body needs can be obtained from them.

The WHO recommends consuming at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables a day, of which vegetables should be about half.

The Ministry of Health has provided some tips for use:

  •  Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables

Try to include different types of vegetables in your diet, as each type has its own set of nutrients. Give preference to local products.

  •  Don't neglect the diversity of forms

Eating fresh vegetables is the best option, but frozen or canned vegetables are also a good choice if they are cooked without added salt or sugar.

  • Experiment with recipes

Eat both raw and cooked vegetables to maximize the range of nutrients. Experiment with seasonings for interesting flavors.

  •  Add fruits and vegetables to every meal

If you find it difficult to switch to a healthy diet right away, try gradually adding vegetables and fruits to each meal.

The ministry also pointed out that it is necessary to gradually introduce healthy habits into your life (and diet) - this will help prevent many diseases.

Що робити при сонячних опіках: у МОЗ дали поради29.06.24, 18:08


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