
Heating network breakdown in Poltava: 17 high-rise buildings and two educational institutions left without heat

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A breakdown in the heating network in Poltava left 17 homes and two educational institutions without heat; repairs are underway.

In Poltava, 17 apartment buildings and two educational institutions were temporarily left without heat due to a heating network breakdown. This was announced by the head of the Poltava Regional Administration Philip Pronin, UNN reports

In Poltava, 17 apartment buildings and two educational institutions were temporarily left without heating as a result of a heating network break. Poltavateploenergo specialists are eliminating the consequences of the accident

- Pronin wrote on Telegram.

According to him, nine employees and two pieces of equipment are involved in the work. According to preliminary information, the damaged section will be repaired in the near future.

По Україні через негоду без світла 373 населених пункти - ДСНС08.01.24, 08:54

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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