
HACC sets bail in amount of almost UAH 4 million for Kharkiv Regional Administrative Court chief of staff

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The High Anti-Corruption Court has set bail in the amount of UAH 3,633,600 for the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military District Administration, who is suspected of embezzling the budget when purchasing food for humanitarian needs. This is reported by the SAPO press service, UNN reports.


The agency said that the HACC investigating judge upheld the position of the SAPO prosecutor and imposed a preventive measure on the chief of staff of the Kharkiv Regional Military District Administration, who, together with three other people, was caught misappropriating funds worth more than UAH 15 million during the purchase of food for humanitarian needs by the Kharkiv Regional Military District Administration.

The court partially granted the motion of the NABU detectives, approved by the SAPO prosecutor, and imposed a bail of UAH 3,633,600 on the suspect. The person was also imposed with the following procedural obligations

- SAP summarized. 

Керівниці апарату Харківської ОВА оголосили про підозру у розкраданні 15 млн гривень при закупівлі гуманітарки13.02.24, 18:27


It is noted that four suspects are involved in the case. Among those involved in the embezzlement of funds during the purchase of food for humanitarian needs by the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, in particular:

- Chief of Staff of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration;

- Director of a private company and her deputy;

- Director of the regional office of a private company. 

According to the SAPO statement, the actions of all persons are qualified under the law:

  • ч. 5 of Art. 191 (Misappropriation, embezzlement or seizure of property through abuse of office);
  • ч. 4 Art. 358 (Use of a knowingly forged document);
  • ч. 1 Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (forgery of official documents).


The Prosecutor's Office sent an indictment to the court against the former acting head of one of the municipal enterprises of Holosiivskyi district, who caused losses of over UAH 766 thousand during the reconstruction of a gymnasium in Holosiivskyi district.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

Crimes and emergencies


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