
Guerrillas discover occupants' base in the temporarily occupied Crimea

 • 25797 переглядiв

Ukrainian partisans discovered a base of the Russian occupiers located in abandoned warehouses on the outskirts of Krasnosilske village, Black Sea region of Crimea.

Ukrainian guerrillas have discovered the location of the occupiers in the temporarily occupied Crimea, in the village of Krasnosilske, Chornomorsk district. This was reported by the ATES movement in Telegram, UNN reports .

During the reconnaissance, agents of our movement discovered another base of the occupiers in the village of Krasnosilske, Chornomorsk district. There are abandoned warehouses on the outskirts of the village, where Russian soldiers are stationed,

- the statement said.


Base coordinates: 45.41814733371833, 32.68650408465744

It is noted that due to frequent arrivals at places where personnel and equipment are concentrated in Crimea, the racists are trying to disperse the personnel as much as possible. Characteristically, they settle them in small villages where few people come.


According to the guerrillas, the Russian military began to use Sochi's civilian airports to deploy army aircraft.


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