
Government approves demographic development strategy: envisages that by 2051 the population could be reduced to 25 million

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The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the Strategy of Demographic Development of Ukraine until 2040, the Ministry of Social Policy reported. The document available on the government's website contains a forecast by the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences that by 2051 Ukraine's population could reach 25.2 million people, UNN reports.


"The government has approved the Strategy for Demographic Development of Ukraine until 2040, developed by the Ministry of Social Policy with the support of the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine - UNFPA Ukraine. Experts from the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, international partners, and demographic experts from different countries were involved in its development," the Ministry of Social Policy said.

According to the ministry, this is a document that "identifies demographic threats to Ukraine's development, ways to overcome them, and responds to the main challenges we face due to the impact of war and migration." It is also reportedly one of the indicators of the implementation of Ukraine's Plan for the implementation of the EU's Ukraine Facility initiative, "aimed at improving the situation on the labor market and the living standards of Ukrainians.

"The overall goal of the Strategy is to ensure demographic growth, preserve human capital and create conditions for the return of millions of Ukrainians who were forced to leave their homeland," the statement said.

According to the document, "taking into account... the challenges and threats that will continue after the end of hostilities or the termination or lifting of martial law in Ukraine, the population of Ukraine, according to the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences, may decrease to 28.9 million people by 2041, and to 25.2 million people by 2051.

It is also reported that population forecasting is complicated by the lack of necessary statistical data, in particular due to the impossibility of accounting for demographic indicators in the temporarily occupied territories, and the multivariate scenarios of military events.

“Між бажанням і дією є велика різниця”: Лібанова про бажання 80% молоді виїхати за кордон 17.09.24, 18:32


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