
General Staff: Russia's attacks with chemical munitions against the Defense Forces continue, 250 more cases in a month

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Russian troops continue to use special munitions with chemicals against the Defense Forces, 250 cases were recorded in September, bringing the total to 4228 during the invasion, the General Staff of the Armed Forces reported on Telegram on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"The enemy continues to use special ammunition equipped with hazardous chemicals against the Defense Forces," the statement said.

As indicated, along with conventional firepower, the enemy uses ammunition loaded with hazardous chemicals, such as K-51 and RG-VO, which are anti-riot weapons and are prohibited for use as weapons of war. There is also a significant share of ammunition containing hazardous chemical compounds of unspecified type.

"In September 2024, the radiation, chemical, and biological intelligence units of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recorded 250 such cases," the statement said.

Since the beginning of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, radiation, chemical, and biological intelligence units have been directly recording cases of the use of hazardous chemicals on the battlefield. 

"Since February 2023, the use of hazardous chemicals by the Russians has become systematic. On September 24 this year, 4228 uses of ammunition equipped with hazardous chemicals were recorded by the enemy," the report said.

"By doing so, Russia is grossly violating the rules of warfare, ignoring the norms and obligations under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction," the General Staff emphasized.

Генштаб: війська рф продовжують атаки боєприпасами з хімічними речовинами проти Сил оборони, за місяць 447 випадків09.09.24, 12:20


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