
For the first time in six years, South Korea resumes firing exercises near the border with the DPRK

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For the first time in six years, South Korea has resumed artillery exercises near the border with North Korea, aimed at strengthening military readiness and the ability to respond to potential provocations.

South Korea has resumed firing exercises at firing ranges near the border with North Korea, which were suspended six years ago as part of bilateral agreements to reduce tensions. This was reported by the South Korean Yonhap News Agency, UNN reports.


According to the agency, the artillery drills took place in Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do provinces, involving K-9 self-propelled artillery systems.

The country's army said that the exercise was aimed at "strengthening artillery readiness and response capabilities in the event of enemy provocations.

"The army will regularly conduct artillery exercises and training of maneuverable units in the border areas in the future," the South Korean army added.

On June 4, North Korea decided to completely suspend the implementation of the September 19, 2018 agreement on reducing tensions after launching balloons with DPRK garbage.

США, Південна Корея та Японія засудили поглиблення військової співпраці між КНДР та рф24.06.24, 11:12


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