
Fierce fighting continues on the northern border of Kharkiv region: Ukrainian troops hold the line

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Shelling continues on the northern border of Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are engaged in fierce fighting to protect civilians and territory, and nearly 6,000 residents have been evacuated.

Shelling continues on the northern border of Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are engaged in heavy fighting. This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv RMA, Oleh Syniehubov, UNN reports.


Enemy shelling continues on the northern border of Kharkiv region, particularly in the area of Vovchansk. Our defenders are engaged in heavy fighting to protect civilians and the territory.

Despite the escalation of the situation, all forces and structures - from the authorities to law enforcement agencies, emergency services and volunteers - united in the fight for victory.

In a few days, almost 6,000 residents of the Vovchansk community and settlements of Kharkiv district were evacuated. Everyone receives full support - from humanitarian to legal. We urge residents not to neglect safety in the future, as the evacuation is ongoing

- said Oleg Sinegubov.

Тривають жорстокі бої на значній частині прикордонної смуги: Зеленський про ситуіцію на Харківщині12.05.24, 19:57


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