
Fiala's investment banker does business in occupied Crimea - media

 • 33750 переглядiв

Czech businessman Tomas Fiala, CEO of Dragon Capital, continues to do business in the occupied Crimea through a network of shell companies.

Czech entrepreneur and CEO of the Ukrainian investment company Dragon Capital Tomáš Fiala continues to do business in the occupied Crimea. His company cooperates with the occupiers and pays taxes to the Russian budget, despite the fact that the the businessman himself is a verbal supporter of Ukraine. This is reported by the news agency "UNIAN", reports UNN.

Thus, according to media reports, Fiala is the ultimate beneficiary of the Cyprus-based company Arricano Real Estate PLC. The company is also registered in Ukraine and is a developer of of shopping centers.

This was previously was also discussed in the investigation by the Krym.Realii publication

In particular, that one of the projects of the above-mentioned Cypriot developer is the South Gallery shopping center in in occupied Simferopol. This facility is almost 15 thousand square meters and 8.5 hectares of land. Fiala and his Estonian business partner Hillar Teder own it through a number of "shell companies", such as "Grandinvest, Voyage-Crimea, and Green City.

Thus, working in Crimea, their companies pay taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation. And  by doing so, they are actually financing Putin's regime.

As a reminder, Earlier, the media reported that the Branch owns 12.5% of shares in Arricano Real Estate RLC". And the Yuzhnaya Galereya shopping center was opened in the spring of 2014, i.e. after the annexation of of Crimea.

Lilia Podolyak



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