
European Council calls for increased military assistance to Ukraine, return of deported children and support for the energy sector - statement following the summit

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The European Council calls for increased military support for Ukraine, including air defense systems, ammunition and missiles to protect its population and energy infrastructure, as well as to ensure the return of Ukrainian children deported to Russia and Belarus.

The European Council calls for increased military support and assistance to Ukraine's energy sector. It also emphasized the immediate safe return to Ukraine of children deported and displaced to Russia and Belarus. The EU will continue to work closely with Ukraine and support its efforts to implement reforms on its European path. This is stated in the conclusions of the European Council of June 27 following the summit of EU leaders in Brussels, UNN reports.


1.In a statement, the European Council reaffirms the European Union's unwavering commitment to providing continued support to Ukraine for as long as it is needed. It also condemns the recent escalation of hostilities by Russia, in particular the intensification of attacks on the energy sector.

2. As Ukraine exercises its inherent right to self-defense, the European Council calls for increased military support to Ukraine. It is noted that  air defense systems, ammunition and missiles are urgently needed to protect the population of Ukraine and critical energy infrastructure.

3. The European Council called for the prompt completion of initiatives to assist the European Peace Fund.

Зеленський зустрівся із Столтенбергом у штаб-квартирі НАТО: говорили про підготовку до Вашингтонського саміту27.06.24, 20:09

4.  The first payments received from Russia's frozen assets for further military support to Ukraine are due this summer.

The European Council proposes to consider providing  Ukraine with additional  financing by the end of the year in the form of serviced loans and repayments from future emergency revenue streams, with the aim of reaching around €50 billion together with G7 partners.

According to EU law, Russian assets should remain "immobilized" until Russia stops its aggressive war against Ukraine and compensates for the damage caused by this war.

5. The European Council welcomes the joint security commitments concluded between the EU  and Ukraine, as well as further bilateral security agreements concluded with Ukraine by Member States and partners.

6. EU military support and security commitments will be provided in full respect of the security and defense policies of individual Member States and taking into account the security and defense interests of all Member States.

Вступ до ЄС та санкційний тиск на рф: Зеленський у Брюсселі зустрівся з Урсулою фон дер Ляєн27.06.24, 19:00

7. The European Council welcomes the outcome of the Ukraine Peace Summit held in Switzerland on 15 and 16 June 2024. The European Union and its Member States will continue their efforts to secure the broadest possible international support, especially from key developing and emerging economies, for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace based on the principles of the UN Charter and international law, in line with the key principles and objectives of the Ukraine Peace Formula.

8. The European Union remains deeply concerned about the fate of all Ukrainian children and other civilians illegally deported and transferred to Russia and Belarus. The European Council reiterates its call for their immediate and safe return to Ukraine. 

9. In view of the deteriorating humanitarian situation, especially in the border areas of Ukraine, it is necessary to continue to provide humanitarian and civil defense assistance and to ensure humanitarian access.

10. The European Council calls for an urgent reinforcement of support to Ukraine's energy sector by the EU  and Member States in coordination with partners. It calls upon the Commission, the High Representative and the Council to accelerate preparations for winterization support to Ukraine.

11. The European Council welcomes the recent extension of the mandate of the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM). 

Україна та ЄС підписали безпекову угоду: в ОП оприлюднили текст документу27.06.24, 17:23

12. The European Council welcomes the adoption of the 14th package of sanctions against Russia and the agreement on further restrictive measures against Belarus. It calls for the full and effective application of the sanctions, as well as for further measures to counteract their circumvention, in particular through third countries. The European Union remains ready to further limit Russia's capacity to wage war and calls on all countries not to provide any material or other support to Russia's aggressive war.

13. The European Union remains committed to ensuring that Russia and its leadership are held fully accountable for the launch of its aggressive war of aggression against Ukraine and for other most serious crimes under international law, as well as for the enormous damage caused by its war.

14. The European Council welcomes the adoption of the negotiation framework and the holding of the first intergovernmental conference on Ukraine's accession. The European Union will continue to work closely with Ukraine and support its reform efforts on its European path.

Фон дер Ляєн, Кошта та Каллас отримали найвищі посади в ЄС28.06.24, 08:37

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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