
Entrepreneur imported helmets and plates for bulletproof vests for sale under the guise of humanitarian aid for the National Guard: he is suspected

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The director of the LLC is suspected of importing 1,000 protective helmets and 3,000 ballistic plates for body armor into Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid for the National Guard, but in fact with the intention of selling them.

Law enforcement officers served a notice of suspicion to the director of an LLC that imported helmets and plates for body armor allegedly for the needs of the National Guard, but in fact for sale. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office on Monday, UNN reports

Under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General's Office, the director of a company who illegally imported military goods into the customs territory of Ukraine was served a notice of suspicion. He is charged with committing fraud with financial resources and violation of the procedure for international transfers of goods subject to state export control (Part 1, 2 Art. 222, Part 1, 2 Art. 333 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- , the OGP said in a statement.

According to the OGP, in May 2022, the suspect imported 1,000 protective helmets and 3,000 ballistic plates for body armor to Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid for one of the military units of the National Guard of Ukraine.

According to the prosecutors, the director of the LLC wanted to illegally receive tax benefits. In doing so, he violated the procedure for international transfers of goods subject to state export control.

As a basis for the privileges, the company's director provided the customs authorities with forged letters of guarantee from the end user of the humanitarian aid goods - a military unit of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Експосадовця "Укренерго" викрили на розкраданні бюджетних коштів під час закупівлі бронежилетів - СБУ 26.06.24, 16:17

However, in fact, the imported protective helmets and ballistic plates for body armor were not transferred to the military unit, but were sold in stores and online.

The illegally imported goods  were seized by  during a search. They were arrested.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing and is being carried out by the Main Detective Unit of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine with the operational support of the SBU.


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