
Enemy troops shelled Sumy Region 6 times, resulting in 16 explosions

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In the Sumy region, at night and in the morning, the enemy fired 6 times at border territories and settlements, as a result of which 16 explosions occurred in different settlements.

In Sumy region, between night and morning, the enemy shelled the Region 6 times, then 16 explosions were recorded. This is reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, reports UNN.


At night and in the morning, the russians carried out 6 attacks on border territories and settlements of the Sumy region. 16 explosions were recorded. Khotyn, Lebedyn, Belopolskaya, Krasnopolskaya and Esmanskaya communities were shelled

- Sumy regional military administration.

Community Situation

Esmanska: the invaders hit with mortars (4 explosions).

Khotinskaya: 3 mines were dropped by the russians on the territory of the community. There was also shelling (3 explosions).

Lebedinskaya: the invaders carried out a kamikaze drone attack.

Belopolskaya: enemy forces dropped 2 explosive devices from UAVs.

Krasnopolskaya: the enemy shelled (3 explosions).

Ворог 18 разів обстріляли Сумську область, внаслідок чого сталося 65 вибухів09.06.24, 22:53


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