
Enemy shelled Sumy Region 18 times: 48 explosions recorded

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The invaders shelled the Sumy Region 18 times, as a result of which 48 explosions occurred in several settlements.

During the day, the enemy shelled Sumy Region 18 times, as a result of which 48 explosions were recorded. This is reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, reports UNN.


During the day, the russians carried out 18 attacks on border territories and settlements of the Sumy region. 48 explosions were recorded. Khotyn, Belopolskaya, Krasnopolskaya, Velikopisarovskaya, and Novoslobodskaya communities were shelled

- Sumy regional military administration.

Community Situation

Khotinskaya: the russians carried out mortar attacks (2 explosions).

Belopolskaya: the enemy launched artillery (11 explosions), grenade launcher (8 explosions) attacks and an FPV Drone Attack (2 explosions).

Krasnopolskaya: the invaders fired mortars (5 explosions), artillery (5 explosions) and attacked with FPV drones (3 explosions).

Velikopisarovskaya: 2 mines were dropped by the enemy on the territory of the community. Artillery attacks (4 explosions) and the discharge of explosive devices from UAVs (4 explosions) were also recorded.

Novoslobodskaya: enemy forces dropped an explosive device from a UAV (2 explosions).

Сумщина: ворог завдав удару по інфраструктурним об’єктам, дісталось і житловому сектору04.06.24, 19:38

Julia Kotvitskaya



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