
Enemy activated artillery in the Tauride sector - Tarnavske

 • 26226 переглядiв

Russian troops intensify artillery attacks in the Tauride sector

Russian occupants have increased the number of attacks in the Tauride sector. Yesterday, the enemy carried out 5 air strikes, fought 60 combat engagements and fired 981 artillery rounds. Total losses of Russian manpower amounted to 461 people. This was reported on Wednesday by the commander of the operational and strategic grouping of troops "Tavria" Brigadier General Alexander Tarnavsky, writes UNN.

"Four tanks, 2S5 Hyacinth-S self-propelled artillery systems and 13 occupants' armored personnel carriers, including APC-82, were destroyed. The enemy has increased the number of artillery attacks. Our artillery adequately responds and effectively destroys the invaders. In the operational area of the Tavria Joint Forces Operation Center, the enemy carried out 5 air strikes, fought 60 combat engagements and made 981 artillery attacks yesterday. Total enemy manpower losses amounted to 461 people," Tarnavsky wrote.

He also said that 25 pieces of military equipment were destroyed. In particular, 4 tanks, 13 armored personnel carriers, 2 artillery systems and 4 vehicles. Another 10 units of enemy equipment were damaged.


On December 18, Tarnavsky reportedthat Russian-terrorist forces continue infantry attacks in the Tauride direction with the support of armored vehicles and aviation.

Anna Murashko



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