
Employees of law enforcement agencies must register for military service within a few months - General Staff

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The new law on mobilization requires employees of the National Police, the State Bureau of Investigation, and other law enforcement agencies to register for military service within a few months.

According to the new law on mobilization, employees of the National Police, the State Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies must register for military service within a few months. This was announced by Roman Horbach, the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during a briefing, UNN reports .

A wider range of categories of citizens have been registered for military service... Employees of the National Police, the State Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies will now, in accordance with this law, be registered for military service within a few months. This law imposes more responsibilities on citizens themselves

- Horbach said.

He noted that since May 18, every citizen is obliged to carry a military registration document at all times and present it at the request of an authorized person. These actions must be recorded by means of video recording. In case of violation of the law by both citizens and authorized persons, they are liable.


Khmelnytsky City District Court upheld the first rulings on the conditional early release of convicts from serving their sentences for military service in the Defense Forces.


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