
Electronic register of persons liable for military service: the Ministry of Defense explains how the system will work

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The draft law on creating a unified electronic register of persons liable for military service will make it possible to provide faster services, the Defense Ministry said.

Bill No. 10062, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in mid-January, should unlock the digitalization of the army and make it possible to provide faster services for the military and those liable for military service. Deputy Defense Minister Kateryna Chornohorenko spoke about this during a telethon, UNN reports


Chornohorenko said that thanks to the law, cloud services have become available, in which Ukraine will be able to host its information systems in the clouds of NATO member states, which will avoid the physical destruction of data centers.

The register of persons liable for military service will not be hosted in the cloud (of NATO member states - ed.). It will be located on the territory of Ukraine. This is important to note and say that this register will be located on the territory of Ukraine. It has already been deployed, it is already working, it has already received a comprehensive information security system

- said the Deputy Minister.

She also noted that the new law improved the interaction between the registers, expanded the list of information in the register of persons liable for military service "Oberih", which will allow filling the register under a simplified procedure without unnecessary bureaucracy, certificates and photocopies.

"There will be no need to carry a bunch of documents. We will be able to receive this data in real time from other registers. We also introduced an electronic office for persons liable for military service. It will be created. Citizens will be able to make changes directly in their electronic cabinet regarding their data. They will be able to clarify all the data they need from any convenient point," added Chornohorenko.

The law also introduces the possibility to submit an electronic application for the status of a combatant.


The Verkhovna Rada has passed a bill on automatic granting of war veteran status and the creation of a unified electronic register of persons liable for military service.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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