
Earned 100 thousand hryvnias per “client”: SBI eliminates scheme to avoid mobilization in Rivne region

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Law enforcement officers exposed the starosta of one of the districts of the Radyvyliv City Council in Rivne region and a local law enforcement officer who organized money-making on tax evaders. This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN reports.


Investigators found out that starosta , in accordance with his authority, issued summonses to summon men to the military commissariat. When issuing the summonses, he hinted that he could help with military service evasion.

The scheme was that a law enforcement officer he knew artificially opened criminal proceedings against a person liable for military service, under which he could be sentenced to a suspended sentence of 1-2 years. The “clients” avoided mobilization for the duration of the investigation and for the duration of their sentence.

The starosta and the law enforcement officer were served a notice of suspicion of obstructing the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by prior conspiracy, obtaining an illegal benefit by prior conspiracy, combined with extortion (Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 114-1 and Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years

- the SBI said. 

Pre-trial restraints in the form of detention with the possibility of bail in the amount of UAH 1 million were imposed on both offenders. UAH 200 thousand for the law enforcement officer and UAH 900 thousand for the starosta. 

ДБР відкрило понад 400 кримінальних проваджень щодо посадовців ТЦК 22.08.24, 14:35


Law enforcement officials say that the “service” of the detainees cost an average of 100 thousand UAH, but if the person liable for military service was already wanted under the materials of the TCC, the amount increased by almost 10%.nThe scheme was in effect from March to May 2024, when a law enforcement officer was detained red-handed. He has now been dismissed from the service.

SBI officers uncovered 5 transactions that the suspects managed to conduct. The investigation is ongoing, the full range of persons involved and all facts of illegal activity are being established.


An employee of the Odesa Recruitment Center will be tried for interfering with the Oberig database. He falsified the data of 138 conscripts, earning about a million dollars.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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