
During his visit to China, Blinken called on Beijing to cooperate with the United States

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During his visit to China, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken emphasized the need for "direct" and "ongoing" cooperation between the United States and China.

During his visit to China, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken emphasized that Beijing and Washington should maintain constant contact. This was reported by the Voice of America, according to UNN.


In particular, during his first official meeting in Shanghai , Blinken emphasized the need for "direct" and "ongoing" interaction between the United States and China.

США розробляють санкції щодо китайських банків через їхню роль у співпраці з росією - WSJ23.04.24, 16:09

According to the newspaper, Blinken has already held talks with Chen Jining, the secretary of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai. Earlier, the US Secretary of State emphasized that he would emphasize "real differences" but would try to "bridge them" and "create cooperation where possible.

In his turn, Chen emphasized that diplomatic relations between the United States and China  have not always been smooth, there have always been "twists and turns," "but overall they have progressed with historical development and have moved forward.

In addition, the U.S. official held a discussion with American and Chinese students at New York University in Shanghai Blinken and emphasized the importance of expanding exchanges between students, academics, and businesses.

We need to make sure that we talk to each other, hear each other, understand each other

- Blinken emphasized. 


During his visit to China, Blinken is expected to put pressure on Beijing to stop participating in the re-equipment and supply of Russia's military industrial base.

It is known that on April 26 April 26, the Secretary of State will travel to Beijing for talks with his counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang Yi. He is also likely to meet with President Xi Jinping.


U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said during a meeting of G7 ministers that China is now the main supplier of raw materials and components for the Russian military-industrial complex.

У Китаї помітили російський корабель, який раніше перевозив зброю з КНДР до рф - Reuters25.04.24, 14:21


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