
Drones hit at least 2 oil depots and 2 terminals in Novorossiysk in Russia - Russian media

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In Novorossiysk, Russia, UAVs hit at least 2 oil depots, 2 terminals.

UAVs struck at least 2 oil depots and 2 terminals in Novorossiysk in rf, Russian telegram channel ASTRA quoted sources as saying, writes UNN.


"As a result of the night attack on Novorossiysk suffered "Novorossiysk fuel oil terminal" and the terminal "importpischeprom" - in the latter, drones hit two fuel tanks," the report said.

In addition, according to ASTRA, "as a result of the attack, there was an attack on the oil depot of Gazprom in the village of Kirilovka and the oil depot "Grushovaya Balka" of Transneft. There were no casualties.

Overnight, residents reported hearing more than 35 explosions in the city.

краснодарский край: Атака БпЛА вызвала взрывы в порту и на нефтебазе в рф17.05.2024, 05:23

Moments of the attack were caught on video. The governor officially announced the "unsuccessful" attack attempt and the shooting down of 10 UAVs. Rosvoencors confirmed the "arrivals." Residents reported overnight that the port was de-energized. The deputy mayor banned residents from leaving their homes early in the morning, and there were also traffic closures and no public transportation in the city. Later, the rf defense ministry said that 44 UAVs were allegedly shot down over the region overnight. In addition, Tuapse was also attacked, with an oil depot catching fire after the attack.

На российском нефтеперерабатывающем заводе в туапсе вспыхнул пожар после атаки беспилотников17.05.2024, 06:21

Julia Shramko



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