
DPRK shows centrifuges for uranium enrichment for the first time

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North Korean media published footage of Kim Jong-un's visit to a nuclear warhead production plant. Hundreds of centrifuges for uranium enrichment were demonstrated for the first time; Kim called for more of them.

In the story of North Korean media about how North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visits the plant for the production of nuclear warheads, for the first time showed hundreds of centrifuges - devices for the production of enriched uranium. About it UNN writes with reference to Deutsche Welle.


North Korean state media published footage of the visit of the country's leader Kim Jong-un to a "production base for nuclear weapons material". Kim familiarized himself with how uranium is enriched and nuclear warheads are produced, the CTAK news agency said.

The photo shows Kim walking between long rows of metal centrifuges, devices used to enrich uranium to weapons-grade levels. The report did not specify when the visit took place or where the facility was located.

Kim stressed in front of the TV camera that the DPRK needs to increase the number of centrifuges in order to "exponentially increase the production of nuclear weapons for self-defense".


North Korea conducted its first nuclear test in 2006. The country is under UN sanctions because of its missile and nuclear programs. The West believes that North Korea has several uranium enrichment facilities.

The other day, Kim Jong-un Leader stated the need to improve the country's nuclear capabilities. He also spoke of the importance of preparing for the effective use of nuclear weapons to ensure national security.


The Office of the President pointed to the need for decisive action to contain the nuclear threat of the DPRK and rf. According to OP head Andrei Yermak, the DPRK's actions are a clear provocation that seriously threatens peace and stability not only on the Korean Peninsula, but also around the world.

МИД призвал к жесткому санкционному давлению на КНДР после очередной провокации Пхеньяна12.09.2024, 13:42

Anastasia Ryabokon

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