
Donald Tusk is named the most powerful person in Europe by Politico

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Former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has been named the "Most Powerful Man in Europe" by Politico magazine amid potential political changes in Poland.

According to Politico, former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk won the nomination "The most influential person in Europe", reports UNN.

For two decades, the two men have been fighting for the soul of Poland. In one corner is Donald Tusk, a former prime minister who served as president of the European Council; in the other, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the "Law and Justice (PiS) party. Each had a chance to shape Poland in his own way. Now, after eight years of Kaczynski's rule, the country is on the threshold of a new the threshold of a new Tusk era, and the winds of change are blowing again

the report says.

In total, the publication's rating had three categories: "Doers", "Destroyers" and "Dreamers".

To recap,

This year's nomination for "Dreamers" was won by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the "Dreamers" nomination this year.

Lilia Podolyak



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