
Despite the fight and controversy: a service in Ukrainian was held in St. Michael's Cathedral in Cherkasy

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In Cherkasy, in St. Michael's Cathedral, where clashes between believers took place a little earlier, a prayer service was held , which was eventually conducted by priests of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. This was reported by Suspilne, according to UNN .

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After the UOC-MP faithful, led by Metropolitan Theodosius, left the church, a prayer service was held in the church.

Metropolitan Ioan of Cherkasy and Chyhyryn emphasizes that the community was registered legally and operated on this territory, and today it entered the cathedral that rightfully belongs to it.

According to him, the community has all the rights, it has not violated the law and has exercised its constitutional right.

Конфлікт у Свято-Михайлівському соборі на Черкащині: поліція повідомляє про кількох постраждалих, відкрито провадження17.10.24, 11:43

This service was historic because it was the first time a prayer service was held in Ukrainian in this church. I am convinced that this will always be the case, and that people will pray here in Ukrainian, for the Ukrainian army, for the Motherland, and not for the “fatherland” and the incomprehensible Church Slavonic language imposed on us from Moscow. The community has put an end to this and is defending its legal right to be in this shrine

- John said. 


The day before, a fight broke out near the church, during which tear gas was allegedly used. At the same time, there were verbal skirmishes between the believers. Police and medics were working at the scene. 

According to the head of the regional emergency medical center, Igor Fesun, people began to seek medical care at nine o'clock in the morning. They were both believers of the UOC-MP and the OCU.

More than 25 people turned to our service, 14 of them were examined on an outpatient basis, and 12 more were taken to medical institutions. These were mainly burns of the mucous membranes from pepper spray, as well as several fractures. All patients were treated as follows

- He said. 


On the morning of October 17, residents of the city were invited to pray there, but a crowd of supporters of the UOC-Moscow Patriarchate stormed the cathedral.

According to Suspilne, after the chaplain's statement about the transfer of St. Michael's Cathedral in Cherkasy, a fight  broke out near the church between representatives of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and believers of the UOC-MP.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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