
DAF truck crashes into a minibus on the highway: a child is in hospital

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A DAF truck collided with a parked Mercedes Sprinter on the Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky highway, injuring a young child, the boy was taken to hospital, the Poltava regional police reported on Monday, UNN reports.


The accident occurred on October 27 at about 15:40 near the city of Pyriatyn, Poltava region. 

According to preliminary information from the investigation, a DAF truck driven by a driver born in 1991 collided with a Mercedes Sprinter minibus standing on the side of the road.

As a result of the accident, a passenger of a Mercedes made in 2018 was injured. The young boy was taken to the hospital. 

The data was entered into the URPI under Part 1 of Article 286 (Violation of traffic safety rules, which caused the victim a medium grave bodily injury) CCU.

ДТП з постраждалими побільшало на 11%: топ автодоріг, де стається найбільше аварій04.10.24, 09:28


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