
Cyberattacks and interception of TV broadcasts: Swedish police see threats to Eurovision

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A Swedish police report lists potential threats to the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, including cyberattacks, DoS attacks, civil disobedience, and interception of television broadcasts.

Cyberattacks, DoS attacks, civil disobedience, and interception of TV broadcasts. The Swedish police spoke about threats to the Eurovision Song Contest. UNN writes about this with reference to Euronews.


The Swedish police have drawn up a report listing potential threats to the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, with the semifinals to be held on May 7 and 9 and the final on May 11.

Євробачення-2024: організатори показали, як цьогоріч виглядає головна сцена25.04.24, 18:35

Most of the report is classified. But, according to local media, the threats include cyberattacks, DoS attacks, civil disobedience, and interception of television broadcasts.

Preparations to ensure the security of the contest are being made in view of the fact that Sweden, according to the police, is a "priority target" for Islamist terrorist organizations.


It is expected that about 100,000 guests from different countries will come to Malmö, home to about 360,000 people.

As reported by Swedish broadcaster SVT Nyheter, the threat of drone attacks is of particular concern, so Sweden will close the airspace over Malmö to protect its territory. In addition, a special C-UAV technology will be used to prevent drones from flying over.

Євробачення-2024: alyona alyona розповіла, як втратила голос перед першою репетицією 29.04.24, 02:13

Anastasia Ryabokon



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