
Crimean political prisoner Abdulganiev held in unbearable conditions for 5 months - Ombudsman

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Crimean political prisoner Eskender Abdulganiev has been held in a punishment cell for 5 months in unbearable conditions - without ventilation and without water that is unfit for drinking.

Russians have been holding Crimean political prisoner Eskender Abdulganiev in unbearable conditions in a punishment cell for 5 months.  This was reported by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, UNN reports. 


According to the Ombudsman, Eskender complains about unsatisfactory conditions of detention. 

Instead of a single cell, he is kept in a three-person cell. There is no ventilation in the room, and there is no air to breathe, especially on hot days. The water is not suitable for drinking - rusty and with sand

- wrote Lubinets.

He also pointed out that this  was not the first violation of the Crimean Tatar's rights.  In November last year, Abdulganiev was denied a transfer from prison to a colony. The occupation court did not count the time spent by the Crimean Tatar in prison and refused to transfer him immediately.  In total, the political prisoner has been in detention for over three years. 


On November 3, 2020, the Southern District Military Court illegally sentenced the defendants in the case of the "Red Guard Group" Rustem Emiruseinov to 17 years in prison, Eskender Abdulganiev to 12 years and Arsen Abkhairov to 13 years.

У білорусі в СІЗО помер політв'язень, якого звинувачували в образі лукашенка11.04.24, 12:30


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