
China launches world's first industrial nuclear-powered steam project

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China has launched the world's first industrial steam project called "heqi-1" at the Tianwan nuclear power plant, which will deliver 4.8 million tons of zero-carbon steam annually to a petrochemical plant located 23 km away, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1 million tons.

In China, one of the nuclear power plants launched the world's first industrial steam production project to ensure the operation of a petrochemical enterprise located more than 20 km from the plant. This is reported by CGTN, reports UNN.


The project called "Heqi-1" (Heqi-1) was implemented at the Tianwan nuclear power plant in Jiangsu province in eastern China.

The report says that Steam is generated by the turbine system of two power units and transported by pipelines with a multi-stage heat exchange system to a petrochemical plant located in an industrial park about 23 kilometers from the nuclear power plant.

Tamara is used as a heater in manufacturing processes where high temperature and pressure are vital for chemical reactions, thus replacing traditional coal or other fossil fuels.

According to the developers, unlike previous similar attempts to use a small amount of water vapor in petrochemical production, Hezi-1 can produce up to 600 tons of industrial steam in just one hour.

It is expected that the project will annually supply about 4.8 million tons of clean steam generated with zero carbon emissions from nuclear power plants to the petrochemical base, which will replace the burning of 400 thousand tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1 million tons.

Киргизстан і Узбекистан домовилися з Китаєм про будівництво залізниці до Європи в обхід Росії21.06.24, 01:42

Lilia Podolyak



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