
Cameron's attempt to persuade Trump to unblock aid to Ukraine fails - The Guardian

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British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has failed to convince former President Donald Trump to allow the US Congress to provide Ukraine with $60 billion in military aid.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron's attempt to convince former President and potential Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to allow Congress to provide Ukraine with $60 billion in military aid appears to have failed. This was reported by The Guardian, according to UNN.


"David Cameron's attempt to convince Donald Trump to allow the US Congress to provide Ukraine with $60 billion in military aid appears to have failed, as the British foreign secretary was not even allowed to meet with Congress Speaker Mike Johnson, who could theoretically put the package to a vote," the newspaper writes.

Instead, as indicated, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green threatened an early vote to remove Johnson from office for even supporting the vote.

During a private dinner at Trump's base in Florida, Cameron urged Trump to recognize that it is in the US interest that Putin not be rewarded for his land grab in Ukraine, the newspaper writes.

He also insisted that by the NATO summit in Washington in July, each NATO member would have plans to meet or exceed its defense spending targets. Cameron hoped that Trump would signal a change of course, at least making it easier for him to meet with Johnson.

Cameron and U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also held a joint press conference to call on the U.S. Congress to unblock aid to Ukraine.


On the eve of his trip to Washington, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron held talks with Donald Trump. During the meeting, the British politician called on Republicans to support aid to Ukraine.


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