
Cadet killed during parachute jump, investigation launched - SBI

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A 2nd year cadet of the Odesa Military Academy was killed during a training parachute jump, the State Bureau of Investigation reported, the bureau launched an investigation

A cadet of the Odesa Military Academy died during a training parachute jump, prompting an investigation into possible negligence, the State Bureau of Investigation reported on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"SBI officers have launched a pre-trial investigation into the death of a cadet of the Odesa Military Academy during a training parachute jump," the SBI said.

As stated, the tragedy occurred on May 14, 2024, at one of the Ukrainian airfields.

"The 2nd year cadet of the Faculty of Military Intelligence and Special Operations made a training jump at an altitude of 600 meters. According to preliminary information, the stabilization parachute caught on a helicopter, got damaged and wrapped around the cadet's leg, and prevented the main parachute from opening. The young man began to spin in the air, and the backup parachute did not have time to fully open. The 19-year-old died immediately at the scene," the SBI said, expressing sincere condolences to the family and classmates of the deceased.

As noted, the investigation will check whether "there was proper training and instruction of cadets during flights, compliance with the rules during training jumps, the examination will establish whether the parachute was properly laid." This was the young man's 12th jump during his training, the SBI said.

Preliminary qualification of the offense: negligent attitude to military service committed under martial law (Part 4 of Article 425 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years.

ДБР: вибухи боєприпасів у Миколаєві стались, попередньо, через їх необережне перевантаження. Загинуло двоє військових25.04.24, 11:31


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