
British intelligence: shoigu's resignation as russian defense minister will not change the course of the war in ukraine

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Andrei Belousov, an economist with no military experience, has replaced Sergei Shoigu as Russia's defense minister, but British intelligence does not expect this change to significantly affect Russia's approach to the war in Ukraine.

British intelligence does not foresee any changes in the course of the war in Ukraine on the part of Russia after the resignation of Sergei Shoigu as Minister of Defense. UNN reports this with reference to the review of the British Ministry of Defense.


Intelligence notes that Andrey Belousov, who replaced Sergei Shoigu as Minister of Defense, is a professional economist with no military experience. Since January 2020, he has served as First Deputy Prime Minister, and before that he worked as an assistant to the President for Economic Affairs.

It is likely that its purpose is aimed at ensuring greater efficiency in defense spending and closer coordination between the defense industries and the needs of the Russian armed forces,

- the statement said.

They also suggest that this appointment is likely to be an extremely difficult task for Belousov, given the high level of corruption in the Russian Defense Ministry and the army.

The change of defense minister is unlikely to have a significant immediate impact on the conduct of Russia's war in Ukraine. Since Putin also announced that there will be no changes in the leadership of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, the current Russian approach to the war is likely to remain unchanged,

- analysts added.

Russia's new defense minister makes his first public comment after being appointed by Putin5/13/24, 3:16 PM


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