
British intelligence: corruption undermines the effectiveness of the russian army

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British intelligence suggests that corruption is likely to significantly undermine the effectiveness of the Russian army.

British intelligence has suggested that corruption is likely to be one of the factors that significantly undermines the effectiveness of the Russian army. This is stated in the review of the British Ministry of Defense, UNN reports .


The intelligence service refers to an investigation by the Russian independent publication Vershka, which revealed corruption schemes and a system of bribery among the Russian military and its commanders.

Bribes were reportedly given or demanded for various "services" such as vacations, physical fitness certification, military rank, driver's licenses, avoidance of disciplinary sanctions for using smartphones or being drunk.

After February 2022, the list of "services" was expanded to include certificates of injury, awards for participation in a "special military operation" and avoidance of being sent on a combat mission.

A Russian publication published prices for these "services" ranging from 40,000 rubles for a postponement of being sent to the front to 1 million rubles for a certificate of injury.

It is likely that corruption significantly undermines the effectiveness of the Russian army. There is only a remote possibility that significant progress will be made in reducing corruption,

- the statement said.

The report also mentioned the Russian journalist Dmitry Kholodov, who investigated military corruption in the 1990s and was murdered in Moscow in October 1994.


As UNN previously reported , the number of arson attacks on Russian military enlistment offices has doubled over the past six months, indicating a growing public distrust of the government's promise not to conduct further mobilization. The attacks also reflect a lack of confidence in Putin's recent promise that there will be no further mobilization.

рф у 2023 році змінила основне джерело набору військовослужбовців для війни в Україні - британська розвідка 31.01.24, 12:42

Olga Rozgon



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