
British intelligence analyzes the impact of the war on russia's relations with the post-Soviet countries

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British intelligence analysis shows that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has reduced its influence on post-Soviet countries.

Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has significantly changed the aggressor country's relations with the countries of the post-Soviet camp. In particular, Russia's overall influence on its closest neighbors has declined. This is stated in a new report by the UK Ministry of Defense, UNN reports.


It is noted that the war in Ukraine has caused a significant shift in Russia's relations with the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Russia almost certainly continues to see maintaining its influence in these countries as a foreign policy priority necessary for internal security and economic prosperity. Since February 2022, with variations, Russia's overall influence among its immediate neighbors has declined,

- the statement said.

The British Ministry of Defense claims that Russia's inability to achieve a breakthrough in the war has called into question Russia's role as a security guarantor in the region.

Russia's violation of Ukraine's sovereignty has increased the perception of threat from Russia,

- the review notes.

British intelligence has noted a growing trend in these countries to reduce dependence on Russia.

Analysts argue that while Russia maintains a significant presence, overt and covert, in the region, the Kremlin's ability to achieve its goals has almost certainly declined significantly in the past two years.


British intelligence has tracked how Russia has used energy as a weapon since 2014 and concluded that it is very likely that Russia will continue to do so.


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